Speaking Engagements
Resopathy: Decoding the Biological Matrix; Resopathy: Optimizing the Biological Matrix, Bioregulatory Medicine Institute, Galt House Hotel, Louisville, KY 2018
Resopathy: Navigating the Biological Terrain; Resopathy: Conversing with the Body's Intelligence, Bioregulatory Medicine Institute, Galt House Hotel, Louisville, KY 2017
On Health and Happiness , Nexus Global Youth Summit, United Nations/New School, New York City, NY 2017 (Click here for address and video)
A New Paradigm in Personalized Health Care, National Institute of Traditional Medicine, Thimpu, Bhutan 2017; and Family Offices Association, Martha's Vineyard, MA 2016
Re-Generation of Self, Culture, and Future, Nexus Global Youth Summit, United Nations, New York City, NY 2016
Important Methods to Reduce Hypoxic Tumor Microenvironment (HTM) for Oncologic Patients, Best Answer for Cancer Conference, San Diego, CA 2016
The Role of Kaqun Water in Daily Practice, Kaqun Headquarters, Budapest, Hungary 2015; and 4th International Kaqun Conference, Los Angeles, CA 2015
Conversing with the Body’s Intelligence via Measuring Point Conductivity, Best Answer for Cancer Conference, Reno, NV; and Curing the Incurables Conference, St. Louis, MO 2015
BioInformational Medicine: Case Studies and the 8 Phases of Health, A4M Conference, Orlando, FL 2014
Regulation, 8 Phase System & Pleo Sanum Case Studies, Tempe, AZ, 2013
Electro Smog, Electro Dermal Screening and Case Studies, A4M Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 2012
Lifestyle Diseases and Case Studies, Sanum Conference, Medicine Week, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2012
Regulation and Pleo-Sanum, National College of Natural Medicine, 2011
Biological Medicine and Pleo-Sanum, Southwest College of Natural Medicine, 2010